2012年11月27日 星期二

Following meeting on 11/29(Thur.)

Do you want to know what kind of words can be so charming?!

Join SCU Toastmasters this Thursday(11/29)!
Joing Information:
Time:11/29(四) 7pm~9pm

2012年11月18日 星期日

Fall Convention 秋季大會

Fall Convention 秋季大會11/17~11/18 




    Remember: when you talk, you only repeat what you already know, but if you listen, you will learn something. 」在英文工作坊裡,聆聽英文演講從演講者片片詞句中學習如何成為一個好領導人,而這句話正是令我印象深刻,想成為一個領導者並非話說得多,而是懂得適時當個聆聽者,聽聽他人心中想法與建議。人們都希望有人願意聆聽他們說話,然而真正願意靜細心來仔細聆聽的人又有多少呢?So, let it become a habit. 習慣,是需要21天持續不斷,得以培養而成。但是,如此的堅持,是需要毅力的!一個好習慣,確實可以幫助我順利完成事情加速效率;壞習慣,則會帶來拖延。講者也分享在通往聆聽的好習慣的路程上,有五個阻礙:態度、干涉、生理上的障礙、假設(先入為主的觀念)、情緒。我想,試著時時提醒自己,閉上嘴巴,聽聽他人的聲音吧!多一分體貼與關懷!



2012年11月15日 星期四

clean our new club office 11/15

Clean up our new club office 

After waiting for a long while, we finally get a new club located at class 0641. When we tried our best to clean up it, we found something terrible and even a little disgusting. Last club, they left bottles of pickled cucumbers. But, eventually we made it to help it come better. 

Thanks for every member who spend the time on supporting this. 

Hope every member could enjoy our new club! 

2012年11月13日 星期二

6th Regular Metting on 11/15 2012

Dear all,

How about your mid-trem?

 About the meeting this week, we have already made sure that we will conducted the session of TED. And we will go to clean our club officer maybe 10~15mins!(Please ereryone!!!orz) Then, we will have a second round to 西門!
The reason why we are not going to see the movie is because we invite two 駐校代表s of TED! They will share their experience with us! How amazing! So what are you waiting for?! You can ask them anything if you have the strong interest in TED!

Our Spearkers:

1. 沈復恆 Sake Shen (Topic: TED= Talk EveryDay)

2. 吳致緯 Saku Atom

 (Topic: 在大學的那些夜遇見TEDxTaipei)

I am feel so touching about this meeting! Everytime when we have a special meeting, there are always some other people willing to help us! I am convinced that we are doing the thing which is worth the whrld word to help us! => keep on going, my friends!

Join us! Information:

Time: Nov. 15, 2012 7pm~9pm
Venue: 東吳大學城中校區1206(崇基樓2樓6室)

Welcome you to join us! =>

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SCUTMC

2012年11月10日 星期六

Regular Meeting on 11/15(Thu.)

Dear All,

About our following meeting on next Thursday(11/15), originally we will have a movie night.
However, we cannot find out any interesting moive for you.haha...
Therefore, I thought another way for the break after mid-trem and it's also keep the spirit of Toastmaster!
I will introduce what "TED" is for you.
As a speaker, we can learn a lot from this website!
Or if any one want to share a interesting movie, it will be good!
If we see a video from TED, I think we only need 1 hour.
Then, we can have a second round at 西門.
We can talk about our outing for this semester. 
If you do not have the exams next week, everyone have to join this meeting so that we can know each other deeply!
Welcome you to join us!
Meeting Iformation:
Time: 11/15(Thu.) 7~9pm
Venue: 東吳大學城中校區1206(崇基樓)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SCUTMC
TED: http://www.ted.com/