- Dear all,
The next regular meeting is on 11/15 (Fri.) because it's our mid-term exam week next week.
因為下禮拜是我們的期中考週,所以我們下一次社課是在11/15星期五唷! 大家好好的讀書吧!
See you then!
Good luck to your exams! =>
[Meeting Info.]
Date: 11/15 (Fri.)
Time: 1900-2100
Venue: 1505, Dowtowm Campus, SCU
日期:11/15 星期五
Soochow University Toastmasters 東吳國際英文演講會
2013年10月31日 星期四
下一次社課時兼11/15 (五)
2013年10月19日 星期六
2013年6月21日 星期五
the latest news about SCU TMC
Dear all,
Soochow University Toastmasters Club has already finish the term 2012-2013.
We won't hold our regular meeting during summer vacation.
But we will start our meeting again from September, 2013.
Then, welcome all of you to visit and have fun with us.
2013年5月20日 星期一
#98 Regular Meeting
Dear all,
We will have our installation ceremony this Thursday(5/23) at 1203, downtown campus, Soochow University from 7pm to 9pm.
Welcome you to join us!
時間: 5/23(四) 晚上七點到九點
歡迎大家一同參與~~~ =>
We will have our installation ceremony this Thursday(5/23) at 1203, downtown campus, Soochow University from 7pm to 9pm.
Welcome you to join us!
時間: 5/23(四) 晚上七點到九點
歡迎大家一同參與~~~ =>
2013年4月4日 星期四
下一次開會時間 - 2013.4.25
Dear all,
Because of the Spring Holiday week and Mid-term Week, we will hold our next meeting from 7pm to 9pm on 4/25(Thu.)
由於春假與期中考的關係,東吳英語演講會將暫停開會。我們下一次 的開會時間4/25(四) 晚上7點到9點。
Because of the Spring Holiday week and Mid-term Week, we will hold our next meeting from 7pm to 9pm on 4/25(Thu.)
Welcome you to join us in that night!
屆時歡迎大家一同參與! =>
Soochow University Toastmaster
屆時歡迎大家一同參與! =>
Soochow University Toastmaster
2013年3月20日 星期三
Dear all,
We are going to have our in-house speech contest on 3/21 at 6605, downtown campus. This time,we have more than ten contestants to join this big event. Welcome you to share this meaningful moment with us! Hope our contestants will show their best on that night and win the champion for our club!
我們將於3/ 21(週四)舉行會內演講比賽,當天將有十位以上的參賽者 ,也歡迎未參賽的朋友們前來共襄盛舉!期待各位參賽者們 帶來精彩絕倫的比賽,也預祝各位為東吳英語演講社締造佳 績!
We are going to have our in-house speech contest on 3/21 at 6605, downtown campus. This time,we have more than ten contestants to join this big event. Welcome you to share this meaningful moment with us! Hope our contestants will show their best on that night and win the champion for our club!
歡迎你的參與! =>
歡迎你的參與! =>
2013年3月6日 星期三
2013 first meeting on 3/7
First meeting!
Time: 7~9pm
Venue: downtown campus 6605!
Dear all,
This is our first meeting this semester!
Welcome you to join us!
Join information:
Time: Thursday, March 7, 2012
Venue: Sixth Building, Room 6605, No.56, First Section, Guei-Yand Street, Taipei City
Time: 7~9pm
Venue: downtown campus 6605!
Dear all,
This is our first meeting this semester!
Welcome you to join us!
Join information:
Time: Thursday, March 7, 2012
Venue: Sixth Building, Room 6605, No.56, First Section, Guei-Yand Street, Taipei City
2013年3月3日 星期日
SCUTM 3/7 下學期首次開講!
SCUTM 3/7 下學期首次開講!
Dear all,
Soochow University Toastmasters is going to hold our first meeting on 3/7 from 7pm to 9pm at 6605, downtown campus!
Welcome you to join us!
眾所期待的第一次社課將於3/7(四) 晚上7點到9點在城中校區6605(旁邊是籃球場的那一棟大樓) 舉行囉! 非常歡迎有興趣的朋友們結伴或自行前來參與!
Theme: Plan #91 – Mar. 7, 2013
Time min(s) Program Person in Charge
18:40 ~
19:00 20 Registration and Social Time SAA: James Li
1 Calling the meeting to order SAA: James Li
19:00 ~
19:15 2-3 Opening and Welcoming President: Ben Chao
2-3 Guest Introduction President: Ben Chao
3-5 Introduction of Toastmasters TME: Fiona Chen
1 Timer (Phrase/Colloquialism) Winnie Chen
1 Ah Counter (News) Vivian Chng
1 Vote Counter & Board Writer (Constellations) Timmy Chung
19:15 ~
19:25 8-10 Variety Session Mindy Lin
19:25 ~
19:55 3 Prepared Speeches TME: Fiona Chen
5-7 C2: TBA Feng Chuech
5-7 C2: TBA Shine Chen
5-7 C4: I Have a Dream because of RYLA I-Chun Chen
2 1st Timer / Ah Counter Report Winnie & Vivivan
19:55 10 ~ Intermission ~
20:15 8-10 Table Topic Session Ellen Pan
20:15 ~
20:45 2-3 General Evaluation Session Vincent Chu, Legacy TM
2-3 C2: Organize your speech Kevin Lin
2-3 C2: Organize your speech Ben Chao
2-3 C4: How to sat it Tina Chen
2 2ndTimer / Ah Counter Report Winnie & Vivivan
4-6 Language Evaluation Godfrey Wu
4-6 General Evaluation Session Vincent Chu, Legacy TM
20:45 ~
21:00 6-8 Appreciation,Awards, President: Ben Chao
2-4 Closing & Feedbacks President: Ben Chao
10 Announcement & Agenda Planning President: Ben Chao
Meeting Adjournment President: Ben Chao
Dear all,
Soochow University Toastmasters is going to hold our first meeting on 3/7 from 7pm to 9pm at 6605, downtown campus!
Welcome you to join us!
眾所期待的第一次社課將於3/7(四) 晚上7點到9點在城中校區6605(旁邊是籃球場的那一棟大樓) 舉行囉! 非常歡迎有興趣的朋友們結伴或自行前來參與!
Theme: Plan #91 – Mar. 7, 2013
Time min(s) Program Person in Charge
18:40 ~
19:00 20 Registration and Social Time SAA: James Li
1 Calling the meeting to order SAA: James Li
19:00 ~
19:15 2-3 Opening and Welcoming President: Ben Chao
2-3 Guest Introduction President: Ben Chao
3-5 Introduction of Toastmasters TME: Fiona Chen
1 Timer (Phrase/Colloquialism) Winnie Chen
1 Ah Counter (News) Vivian Chng
1 Vote Counter & Board Writer (Constellations) Timmy Chung
19:15 ~
19:25 8-10 Variety Session Mindy Lin
19:25 ~
19:55 3 Prepared Speeches TME: Fiona Chen
5-7 C2: TBA Feng Chuech
5-7 C2: TBA Shine Chen
5-7 C4: I Have a Dream because of RYLA I-Chun Chen
2 1st Timer / Ah Counter Report Winnie & Vivivan
19:55 10 ~ Intermission ~
20:15 8-10 Table Topic Session Ellen Pan
20:15 ~
20:45 2-3 General Evaluation Session Vincent Chu, Legacy TM
2-3 C2: Organize your speech Kevin Lin
2-3 C2: Organize your speech Ben Chao
2-3 C4: How to sat it Tina Chen
2 2ndTimer / Ah Counter Report Winnie & Vivivan
4-6 Language Evaluation Godfrey Wu
4-6 General Evaluation Session Vincent Chu, Legacy TM
20:45 ~
21:00 6-8 Appreciation,Awards, President: Ben Chao
2-4 Closing & Feedbacks President: Ben Chao
10 Announcement & Agenda Planning President: Ben Chao
Meeting Adjournment President: Ben Chao
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